Welcome SFRRA members! Welcome all!
It has been a difficult year for all our members with the global pandemic. Especially for those in Victoria it has been a particularly tough year but things are looking up. Our virtual meeting on Tuesday the 1st December is fast upon us. We have an excellent selection of talks from mainly our junior/student members. There will be poster and oral prizes for students/ECRs.
The programme is here. Please register here.
The prizes will be sponsored by MDPI International Journal of Molecular Sciences and Antioxidants. We thank them very much for their support.
We will also have a twitter-based poster session using the #SFRRA2020poster. Hopefully everyone is following @SFRR-Australasia!
Good luck and I hope to see you all on the 1st December.
Kind regards
Guy (SFRRA president elect, SFRRA 2020 organiser)
Organising committee:
Guy Jameson, Chair
Stanley Chan (RMIT)
Jereme Spiers (La Trobe)