Group Members

Current members

To join the group please contact:

Polly Gatehouse (2019, MSci candidate, exchange student from Imperial College London, thiol dioxygenase)

Wasim Ibrahim (2019, MSc candidate, thiol dioxygenase)

Shirley (Yunxiao) Mai (2019, MSc candidate, ferritin)

Sanjeedha Mohamed Mubarak (Sept 2018, PhD candidate, ferritin)

Joshua Prendergast (Sept 2017, PhD candidate, thiol dioxygenases)

Zahra Shirani Sarmazeh (Aug 2017, PhD candidate, thiol dioxygenases)


Past members

Anna Cai (2019 Chem30013 student, peroxidases)

Wasim Ibrahim (2018 Chem30013 student, thiol dioxygenase)

Shirley (Yunxiao) Mai (2017 Chem30013 student, peroxide determination during thiol chemistry)

Christopher Galle (2017 Chem30013 student, catecholamine chemistry)


Rinky Parakra (2017, PhD) Joint with Dr. Liz Ledgerwood, Otago Biochemistry

Casey Davies (2017, PhD) now working for University of Otago.

Sekotilani Aloi (2016, MSc) now National University of Samoa

Dr. Egor Tchesnokov (Postdoctoral Fellow, Marsden funded 2009-2012; Canadian Institutes of Health Research funding 2012-2015) now University Alberta

Antonia Seidel (2012-2015, PhD)

Matthias Fellner (2012-2015, PhD) now postdoc at Michigan State University

Richard Souness (2008 Honours, 2009-2013, PhD) now working for Environmental Protection Authority

Eleni Siakkou (2009-2011, PhD) now working for Albis Plastic GmbH

Graham Fairweather (2008, exchange student from Strathclyde University)

Seino Jonkees (2007, Otago, Honours, joint with Dr. Sigurd Wilbanks) now Assistant Professor Utrecht University